introducing ![]() She's a lot of things, but basically she's just a girl. An (extra)ordinary one, and don't you forget it. ex-Pl-lite. cedarian. 1M '09, 2M '10, 3S '11. 26/12/1996 baby. WWW gang and Awesome Pwnsome Default Foursome. on her way to believing. |
lyrics of awesomeness what's to live for? you could see what i'd done staring at emotion in the light of day i was running from the things that you'd say -Mika, We Are Golden |
Friday, August 12, 2011
Hello anyone that's reading. Okay, in that case, hi tagboard viruses that may or may not still be lurking after i deleted my tagboard because Maria and Stephanie and hotgal101 kept stalking me. (I must be losing it if I'm talking to tagboard viruses. Oh well.) Yeah, seriously though...any humans reading this, I'm taking a break from blogging because I rediscovered the joys of journal-writing recently. I used to be really big on keeping a log of the weird/angsty/plain demented/occassionally optimistic/pwnsome thoughts I have, as in, on paper. I have an entire drawer of notebooks all the way from primary three till now. I still read them on occassion, even though they make me want to slap myself. And I realized that I like writing a lot more than typing. I'm living under a rock/in some cave/not in the 21st century, probably, because of this, but I just like the idea of having a book just for me, and me only. And I'm kind of obsessive about what's mine and what's not. Thoughts = mine. Yeah. I'm definitely going to stop blogging. I'm seriously considering getting a tumblr but am scared that its swag levels will suck me in and refuse to let go. Which cannot happen in Sec 3. But yeah I'm going to disappear for a while. And maybe I'll get a new link. x-so-beautifully-broken-x sounded so much cooler back in sec 1. And a new blogskin, because i hate seeing photobucket icons where my favourite skin so far used to be. I'll post anything that's up but for now, goodbye Blogger, I'll be back whenever. 6:19 AM
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING NO NO NO MY PRETTY BLOGSKIN IS NOW A BUNCH OF FUGLY PHOTOBUCKET ICONS. rawr i am actually pissed, i liked that skin. well okay let's see. ole cheer is slowly but very surely progressing. chinese o level oral today. sucked epically. like sec 2 geog in chinese. asdsajflksafkhljsd seriously, in all the preparation that was done, there was nothing remotely like overpopulation discussed. (ísn't our country underpopulated, anyway? don't they want to bring the population up to 6 mil or something? whatever. irrelevant now.) on the bright side, the passage was easy enough. am also banking on the hope that everyone screwed up too and the marking scheme will be more lenient. 7:00 AM
Saturday, June 18, 2011
I'm obsessed with Batman now. As if X-Men wasn't a big enough distraction from mugging for olevel mother tongue orals. I love DC and Marvel. And zomg serangoon library is like dc and marvel heaven. I have found my new happy place. (Uh-huh, I do realize I have no life and am a comic book geek.) Is it weird that I spaz more about comic book characters than real people? I mean which is more healthy - being obsessed with celebrities you have next to no chance of meeting or being obsessed with fictional characters who are basically a bunch of pixels on paper? Well. When it's put that way. But hey I grew up with the fictional people so I'm sticking with that. 5:39 AM
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Maths and English have been conquered! Ok so I left like five questions of Math undone. But only because they were Distance/Time/Speed questions or Percentage or Congruency/Similarity which I know how to do but was too sian to write out the solutions to. Did Chem and Bio MCQ too. Once again, am too lazy to write for the open ended questions. Chinese O level oral is in like two weeks but...yeeeeaaaah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to guess how my revision's going. (It's been non-existent, for the chronically dim.) I'm getting used to being in Ole too. Lepak-ed and watched dance videos with VP, Taylor, Adabel and one sec 1 junior (also named vanessa ahaha) at the Arena on Friday. Ohyeah and I can do a baby freeze after a lot of practice at home :D Mmmmmm I think that's all so far. Just another June holiday. 2:51 AM
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Watching cheer videos on youtube makes me demoralized. Sigh. GO OLE GO. 2:55 AM
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Eh shit is shit. Hiya. My name is Andrea and I'm an Interent addict. I have not touched my holiday homework. I watched Kung Fu Panda 2 with my mum and sister today. I'm blogging like this because I'm bored and I want to. The blank space is taunting me. No seriously, it's like staring at me and saying, "So what have YOU been doing that's worth telling people about?" 3:53 AM
Thursday, May 26, 2011
This has absolutely nothing to do with me and I don't see why I should have to have my post-exam Skins binge interrupted. Am resisting the urge to stamp my feet like a spoilt child start throwing tantrums only because no one can help it. Oh well. I've been saying oh well a lot lately. But I'm keeping my parallel worlds apart from each other, thanks, so I'm just going to retreat to the other one. Haha you have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? Well anyway. Like I said, parallel worlds apart. And I'm not going to be one of those bloggers who hint at things and use codenames for incidents or people or whatever like everyone knows what they're going on about. So this is probably the only time you'll find me blogging about this. ~ 1) Ohyeah baby exams are over! Lit and English are the only papers I was really happy about. And Chinese I guess, I may get something beyond a C5 for once in my life. Granted that was an advanced normal chinese paper and I'm supposed to be a hcl kid but well, happy bubble. 2) Rockclimbing after school with a few oais, a few ex-oals, a few current oals, a few sec 2s and a few teachers :) (Mr Eng rockclimbed hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.) I needa sound more encouraging when i belay, also need to shut up and let my climber figure out which path they want to take because it's kind of distracting when you're hanging by your fingers from a few rocks and people are calling suggestions on where to put your hands/feet, isn't it. I think the skin on my ring finger is tearing. Hands are sore from belaying/climbing, but omg great way to spend the last day of exams :) 3) Going to see Anna with Yu Hui at the RJC fashion show thingy on Saturday! Can't wait can't wait, ahh I miss her. Also figuring out what to wear. Omg Yuhui and I will be the two tiny kids there heh. I think it'll be fun though. 4) I want... -WWW gang reunion -APDF reunion (with no studying this time, complete and total crapping and lameness, thanks) -Confession circle reunion -P6 people reunion (Donna, Sharon, Phoebe, Maddy, Dawn, Sarah, etc) 5) Yay imma binge on Skins now! Kathryn and Megan Prescott are so pretty :D I have a thing for redheads - like Hayley Williams, of course. 6) Peace. 7:04 AM
partners-in-crime The WWW gang. 1M. Another 1M blog. Yanen. Yuling. Shan. Minru. Susanna. Vanessa. Taylor. Fiorina. Phoebe. Maddy. Carolyn. Thanita. Zhen Rong. Cherie. Yu Hui. Brenda. |